In Reno i stayed downtown so at night i walked around the streets and the casino's.
In the morning after work i took the rental car up the mountains a few thousand feet and had a great view of the city below.
Reno can best be summed up as a Mini Las Vegas. Instead of lots of people there's only a few hundred, instead of lots of casino's there's only about 3, instead of a main street that takes forever to walk down, the street's only a couple of blocks. But there was the same number of old fat people riding around on those motorized scooters.
The only betting i did was put $10 on MSU and the Lions to win their first games. MSU ended up winning by 24 points. We'll see how the lions first game goes.
Next i flew over part of the Grand Canyon to Phoenix Arizona. It was a really clear day and i could see for at least a hundred miles.
Downtown Phoenix
That flight was great until we hit some turbulence before landing and the lady behind me "filled up" at least 2 barf bags. Once again my lack of a sense of smell payed off.
I had a 2 hour lay-over then flew to California. The next day they said the high temp was 107 although the whole day my car said it was 120 outside.
After working i had a few hours to kill until my 11pm flight home. I tried to go for a hike in the mountains. After about a quarter mile i realized that walking up hills when it's 110 degrees and sunny isn't a good idea, so i went back. It felt like i was breathing into a hair dryer on high. So i drove around some more, saw all the smog people talk about in California and realized how much i hate doing their mandatory U-turns at lights. I prefer "Michigan Left's."
But then i sat in the airport for a few hours, flew to Atlanta, had a 2 hour lay-over, then flew home and arrived at 9:30am the next morning. Except for the sitting around at airport terminals it was kind of fun.
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